UDLA Universidad de las Américas Master in Business Administration

UDLA Universidad de las Américas Administration Specialist

ULSA Universidad La Salle 

Bachelor’s degree in Food Chemistry


CARGILL DE MEXICO Technical Account Manager/Functional Systems Tech Tag NA

Use category expertise in dairy and beverages categories and industries, as well as the knowledge of ingredients like stabilizers and high intensity natural sweeteners, supported on direct customer relationships to identify and execute new business development projects with food manufacturers through identify and communicate market trends that align business strategy and capabilities, hunting for new opportunities aligning customer needs and market drivers with the Cargill’s capabilities by developing deep relationships with customers and providing technical credibility. Provide technical support to the new product development projects in all the stages since earlier phases like ideation, formulation, lab, pilot and industrial trials, industrial implementation, post-launch follow up and quality support, through the technical knowledge of the ingredients and the expertise acquired during the previous years. Being also the technical lead for the Functional System product line in NA giving support to Product Line Manager, Technical and Commercial teams around the use of Hydrolloids and Functional Systems.Lead technical training programs to customers, partners and internal teams. Also give presentations about the market trends, the Cargill proposals and the different product lines of the Cargill portfolio to help the customers in their developments. As category expert, give support to the other regions, giving trainings and sharing the work done and the wins with the customers, working regionally and globally.

GIVAUDAN DE MEXICO Comercial Area: Food Technologist for Dairy

In charge of the Dairy segment in order to give the solution to the customers needs, working with the flavors in the bases given by the customers, developing new bases with the same customers and with other suppliers; work with the Microthermics equipment for UHT process; technical support for the sales force, support with trials at laboratory, pilot or industrial level with customers; participate in the sensory panel; manage of the internal Project Management platform.

THE COCA-COLA COMPANY MEXICO Research & Development: Dairy Category Expert for Latam.

Coordinate, as R&D, the Dairy innovation projects for Coca-Cola; coordination and joint work with Dairy Operations for compliance of current formulas based on the Quality standards that Coca-Cola has; joint work with Marketing team to build concepts and prototyping according to these; costing of the new formulas; search for healthy options in dairy products; four-hand work and follow up with suppliers in the projects; improve dairy products quality; caloric optimization; products fortifications with vitamins and minerals; responsible for starting up the Microthermics equipment purchased by Coca-Cola as well as giving the training; generation of innovative concepts for the product line; advice and support to the Latin America zone regarding dairy.

DANONE WATERS BONAFONT Research & Development: Aquadrinks Formulation Chief 

-Management and leadership of the New product projects: develop the formulas for the new Bonafont products; work assistants coordination; Pilot trials at Ultra High Temperature equipment for consumer validation; coordinate the industrial implementation and follow up of the new formulas; optimization of the current formulas, calorie reduction projects-Support to plants on industrial start ups: new formulas, new lines, new plants and new wells.-Support to Quality on validations.-Working in conjunction with Marketing, Quality, Industrial, Supply and Purchase departments.-Develop and update of raw material and final product specifications.-Negotiation and projects tracking with suppliers.-Develop of new suppliers.-Review cost and volume of new formulas.-Review Brands profitability.

FIRMENICH Flavor Division – Sweet Goods Lab Food Technologist Dairy& Beverage UHT Microthermcis equipment manager, dairy project manager, project manager and support in confectionery, bakery, beverage and savory as well as follow up. Work together and support the development of products to companies in the industry. Handling the entire process of project management. 

GRUPO BIMBO Research and Development Department: Project Assistant Special Projects (Joint venture Bimbo-Lala), managing the entire process of R&D department, new formulas development and lab trials with suppliers, focused in the Dairy category monitoring industrial trials with manufacturers, Marinela training.

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